
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Broken Moral Compass III
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
God qualifies us, not our good works. Colossians 1:12 - "giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light."

Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Broken Moral Compass II
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Do you know what the Bible says about sex? Did you know God invented sex, not Hollywood. So who do you think would have insight into what is good sex and what is a perversion? Love God because He Loves You.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Broken Moral Compass I
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Is "live and let live" a virtue? What if God clearly points out in the Bible that something is evil, should we simply live and let live?

Wednesday Nov 16, 2011
Jesus is God III
Wednesday Nov 16, 2011
Wednesday Nov 16, 2011
Do you have an insatiable desire to know, love and serve Jesus? That is the only response from a sinner like you (and me) to the One who received God's wrath in our place. How will you respond?

Wednesday Nov 16, 2011
Jesus Is God
Wednesday Nov 16, 2011
Wednesday Nov 16, 2011
The only founder of a "religion" who claimed to BE GOD was Jesus Christ. That forces you to one of two choices. Either He is telling you the truth and you better worship Him OR He is crazy and you best flee from Him. BUT you cannot say, "He was just a good teacher". Jesus did not leave you with that option.

Saturday Oct 22, 2011
Life Purpose II
Saturday Oct 22, 2011
Saturday Oct 22, 2011
You are created to enjoy God forever. Do a heart check. Is that "good enough" for you? Take a close look at your "SHAPE". Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences. That is a good clue as to where God would have you. Provided is a link to a great study that will help you do an inventory of your SHAPE.

Saturday Oct 22, 2011
Life Purpose I
Saturday Oct 22, 2011
Saturday Oct 22, 2011
One characteristic of Truth is it's profound OBVIOUSNESS. Yet, because our sinful nature hates God's clear Truths, we reject what is obvious for something obscure and deceptively mystical.

Saturday Oct 08, 2011
Credited Righteousness II
Saturday Oct 08, 2011
Saturday Oct 08, 2011
How long does eternity last? If you said forever you would be right.
So if God gives you eternal life can you lose it?
If you did lose eternal life than it wasn’t eternal, was it?
Pray for folks who falsely think they could ever lose their salvation through Christ.
Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, - 2Cr 1:21 NIV
set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. - 2Cr 1:22 NIV

Saturday Oct 08, 2011
Credited Righteousness I
Saturday Oct 08, 2011
Saturday Oct 08, 2011
Do you really want God to judge you on your works or your "inherent" righteousness? I don't because I don't have any inherent righteousness. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him." - Rom 4:8 NIV

Saturday Oct 01, 2011
First Adam VS Last Adam III
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Are you trusting your good works or the works of Jesus Christ to get you into Heaven? Jesus Christ is the only right answer and we can be thankful that God will not look at our works as a basis for entry into Heaven.