
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
First Adam VS Last Adam II
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Take a verse and without removing any words, divide the sentence into it's clauses in an outline form. Great tool to see the flow of thought.

Saturday Oct 01, 2011
First Adam VS Last Adam I
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
A closer look at Romans 5 reveals some deep Theology. Take the time to look closely at the organized thoughts in the Bible. These are not random thoughts of an old, bearded man in robe and sandals sitting on a desert mountain.

Saturday Sep 24, 2011
God of Law III
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Are you ready for the kicker?! Have you ever noticed that with all the observable laws in creation, there is not one "Law of Evolution"? Realize that a law of evolution CANNOT exist because. . . . . . . . it would EVOLVE into a different law. The only law would be the law of change and that law cannot logically exist. Consequently a law of evolution is a self-defeating concept and cannot exist in a universe of .. . . . .Laws. Just like the false notion. . . "there is no such thing as absolute truth" Really?! Are you absolutely sure that is absolutely true?

Saturday Sep 24, 2011
God of Law II
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Did you know the greatest adversary of Evolution is observational science and all those pesky LAWS. Law of Life; Biogenesis: Life always comes from life. (Evolution believes life comes from non-life) Law of Chemistry: Chemicals are ordered and react consistently. Thus combustion engines and the "PERIODIC TABLE" exists. Law of Planetary Motion: Stop I'm getting dizzy with all this spinning. Laws of Physics: Laws that tell matter how to behave. Where did THOSE laws come from? Laws of Mathematics: How fast were you going? I don't know officer, my evolutionary speedometer changed into a frog. (MPH) math. Laws of Logic such as, Law of Non-Contradiction; contradictory statements cannot both at the same time be true, e.g. the two propositions "A is B" and "A is not B" are mutually exclusive.

Saturday Sep 24, 2011
God of Law III
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Are you ready for the kicker?! Have you ever noticed that with all the observable laws in creation, there is not one "Law of Evolution"? Realize that a law of evolution CANNOT exist because. . . . . . . . it would EVOLVE into a different law. The only law would be the law of change and that law cannot logically exist. Consequently a law of evolution is a self-defeating concept and cannot exist in a universe of .. . . . .Laws. Just like the false notion. . . "there is no such thing as absolute truth" Really?! Are you absolutely sure that is absolutely true?

Saturday Sep 24, 2011
God of Law II
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Did you know the greatest adversary of Evolution is observational science and all those pesky LAWS. Law of Life; Biogenesis: Life always comes from life. (Evolution believes life comes from non-life) Law of Chemistry: Chemicals are ordered and react consistently. Thus combustion engines and the "PERIODIC TABLE" exists. Law of Planetary Motion: Stop I'm getting dizzy with all this spinning. Laws of Physics: Laws that tell matter how to behave. Where did THOSE laws come from? Laws of Mathematics: How fast were you going? I don't know officer, my evolutionary speedometer changed into a frog. (MPH) math. Laws of Logic such as, Law of Non-Contradiction; contradictory statements cannot both at the same time be true, e.g. the two propositions "A is B" and "A is not B" are mutually exclusive.

Saturday Sep 24, 2011
God of Law I
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
The first six minutes of this message are basic observations of a video clip where someone attempts to explain evolution with a line. The video can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld-db5njUJY entitled "Bang Goes the Theory: Evolution Made Simple" I encourage you to watch the video before listening to the first part of this message. While watching the video please consider all the "elements" that are assumed before he can even begin his demonstration. After the brief valuation of the first video, another short video was viewed, provided by Answers in Genesis. View video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRfW9jwQIks entitled "Two Kinds of Science"

Friday Sep 16, 2011
God of Adversity III
Friday Sep 16, 2011
Friday Sep 16, 2011
Which is more of a blessing to you? God allowing you to have a new "thing". OR God using you to share the Gospel and seeing a loved one saved from the wrath of God? Are you blessed when God uses you to share His Truths?

Friday Sep 16, 2011
God of Adversity II
Friday Sep 16, 2011
Friday Sep 16, 2011
Do you desire God's mercy and grace? OR Do you have unspoken "deals" with God? If you try to be a good person, God will give you a cushy life?

Friday Sep 16, 2011
God of Adversity I
Friday Sep 16, 2011
Friday Sep 16, 2011
Do you truly believe God is sovereign? What of something bad or even tragic happens? Is God still good? Is God treating you fairly?