
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
It is not wise to say one people group is more evil than another. For Paul writes, "Rom 10:12 NIV - For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile--the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him,

Thursday Sep 08, 2011
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
When we struggle with the idea that God's history in the Old Testament is of anger and vengeance, we misplace our understanding of how evil we are as human beings. Romans 3:23. For all have fallen short of the Glory of God. Do you believe God has a reason to be angry with you?

Thursday Sep 08, 2011
OT God VS NT God
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
Thursday Sep 08, 2011
Have you ever felt there was a difference between the God of the Old Testament and the God of The New Testament? The wrathful, vengeful God of the Exodus VS the meek and humble carpenter that likes to carry around lambs. If you struggle with this variance in deities, chances are you never read the Old Testament.

Friday Aug 26, 2011
Theology Proper III
Friday Aug 26, 2011
Friday Aug 26, 2011
God is unchangeable and Holy. How can the perishable be in the presence of the imperishable?

Friday Aug 26, 2011
Theology Proper II
Friday Aug 26, 2011
Friday Aug 26, 2011
Can you explain infinity or eternal? It's hard to understand that something goes on forever but it's hard to understand something having no beginning. Yet God has no beginning nor end.

Friday Aug 26, 2011
Theology Proper I
Friday Aug 26, 2011
Friday Aug 26, 2011
God reveals A LOT about Himself in the Bible. Enjoy a brief glimpse of Theology Proper; the study of God.

Saturday Aug 20, 2011
In The Beginning III
Saturday Aug 20, 2011
Saturday Aug 20, 2011
Look at it this way. If God did create everything then we would find incredible design and purpose for everything. Hmmm, isn't that what we find? This is not a large leap to acknowledge the obvious.

Saturday Aug 20, 2011
In The Beginning II
Saturday Aug 20, 2011
Saturday Aug 20, 2011
A noun is a person, place or thing. Anti-God scientist say time & chance "created" everything. Time nor Chance is a noun; person, place or thing. That means time and chance is nothing. So an evolutionist must believe that 0+0= The Universe. Is that smart? In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Saturday Aug 20, 2011
In The Beginning
Saturday Aug 20, 2011
Saturday Aug 20, 2011
If you don't believe God's account of how He made it, as He wrote in Genesis, then why believe any of it? If you really want some deep thoughts, follow me as I bumble through this amazing topic.

Friday Aug 12, 2011
Sharing The Gospel II
Friday Aug 12, 2011
Friday Aug 12, 2011
Is the name of Jesus Christ nothing more than a cuss word to you? Hbr 10:29 NIV - How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?