
Friday Aug 12, 2011
Sharing The Gospel I
Friday Aug 12, 2011
Friday Aug 12, 2011
Have you ever taken the 10 commandment quiz? How many of the big 10 have you broken? In light of being a law breaker, why should a righteous God let you off the hook?

Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
Christian Idols & Superstitions III
Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
Where should Christians get their spiritual food? 2Pe 1:3 NIV - His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
Christian Idols & Superstitions II
Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
Do you believe going faithfully to church or the Ordinances of Communion or Baptism are vessels of spiritual blessings? Are these actions filling your spirit? Be careful! God is clear that the only path to divine blessings is obedience to His Word. Read your Bible daily so you can learn what His will is for your life.

Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
Christian Idols & Superstitions I
Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
Do you "knock on wood?" Why? Does the wood hold a special power that will protect you after you proclaimed something good? Why not thank God? Christians need to look closely at where they seek divine favor.

Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Spiritual Tune UP: The Bible III
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
God has clearly stated why He made us and what He wants from us. Does that excite you make you mad?

Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Spiritual Tune UP: The Bible II
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
In The Beginning God. Do you struggle with that Truth? Why? List all your reasons. There is an answer to every reason you just listed. I would be more than happy to go through everyone with you. Do you really want that answers?

Tuesday Jul 26, 2011
Spiritual Tune UP: The Bible I
Tuesday Jul 26, 2011
Tuesday Jul 26, 2011
Consider your excuses for not believing certain passages in the Bible. Do really believe man has one up on God? Do you believe God is not able to communicate to us concisely and clearly through the collection of books known as the Bible? Ask the question; Why?

Thursday Jul 21, 2011
Mind Hook IV
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
There is a person recorded in the Bible who likes ask the question, "Did God really say that?" & "If God said that..." Why does the reporter in the following article talk just like him? http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/07/11/in-israel-archaeologists-unearth-bibles-bad-guys/

Thursday Jul 21, 2011
Mind Hook III
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
On a scale from 1-10, how much do you really believe the Bible is your ultimate authority for life?

Thursday Jul 21, 2011
Mind Hook II
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
The Bible is clear. Romans 3 says people reject God. Have you ever seen the evidence in "unbiased" news?