
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
Mind Hook I
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
The Bible is the key to unlocking an enslaved mind. Do you want to know the truth?

Thursday Jul 14, 2011
Spiritual Tune UP III
Thursday Jul 14, 2011
Thursday Jul 14, 2011
God has made it so easy for us to know His will. It's all in the Bible. We fret and worry because we don't take the time to read God's Word. The fantastic resources on the internet such as, www.Biblegateway.net, www.BlueLetterBible.org and www.Bible.is are the ultimate in excuse killers. The Bible is the ONLY source to know the revealed will of God. Dive In!

Thursday Jul 14, 2011
Spiritual Tune UP II
Thursday Jul 14, 2011
Thursday Jul 14, 2011
One would think that the most important question anyone would want answered is . . . . ."Why are we here?" The old "What is the meaning of life?" question. Well, a loving God gave you the answer and it's spectacular!

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Spiritual Tune UP I
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Subjectivity is the enemy of Truth when it becomes the standard for truth. When the devil approached Eve and Jesus the first thing he did was question the Word of God. Do you question the Bible? Let me challenge you. Don't you think a loving God would make sure you knew Him and what His purpose is for you? If He kept you guessing He wouldn't be very loving.

Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Moralism VS The Gospel III
Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Part I is a quick overview comparing the difference between moralism and The Gospel. Part II takes a sobering look at what the Bible says about the human condition. Part III demonstrates the liberating Truth of The Gospel and why living for Jesus Christ is way better than anything else.

Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Moralism VS The Gospel II
Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Part I is a quick overview comparing the difference between moralism and The Gospel. Part II takes a sobering look at what the Bible says about the human condition. Part III demonstrates the liberating Truth of The Gospel and why living for Jesus Christ is way better than anything else.

Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Moralism VS The Gospel I
Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Part I is a quick overview comparing the difference between moralism and The Gospel. Part II takes a sobering look at what the Bible says about the human condition. Part III demonstrates the liberating Truth of The Gospel and why living for Jesus Christ is way better than anything else.

Thursday Jun 23, 2011
2 Things I Learned From Dad. I
Thursday Jun 23, 2011
Thursday Jun 23, 2011
June 15th, 2010 my father went home to be with God. In remembrance of him and in celebration of Father's Day, I share two things that I learned from my Dad. 1. How to pray and 2. Follow Jesus.

Thursday Jun 23, 2011
2 Things I Learned From Dad. II
Thursday Jun 23, 2011
Thursday Jun 23, 2011
The final section of this lesson, we look at a gift Father God gave His Son; A Bride. A look at the end of the story is a look at the beginning of Happily Ever After. Those who have given control of their life to Jesus Christ has a glorious future ahead of them.

Friday Jun 17, 2011
Holy Credit Part III
Friday Jun 17, 2011
Friday Jun 17, 2011
What does God see when He looks down on you? If you have not trusted in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God sees your sin. If you are resting in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross and His righteous life, God sees the cloak of Jesus' righteousness on you. Which do you prefer?