
Friday Jun 17, 2011
Holy Credit Part II
Friday Jun 17, 2011
Friday Jun 17, 2011
Jesus had to live a sinless life to be the spotless lamb.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Holy Credit Part I
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
All Christians are called to grow in their knowledge of the Gospel. Do you know what the term "Imputed" means? You will after this lesson! This is essential Christian doctrine that you can REST in.

Monday Jun 13, 2011
Who Made It, Sustains It, How & Why? Part III
Monday Jun 13, 2011
Monday Jun 13, 2011
Many people wonder if they should take Genesis literally and not metaphorically? This concluding segment looks at the difference between a metaphor and a historical narrative. Make sure you do not reject the historical narrative of Genesis because you think man (scientists) have the right answer.

Saturday Jun 11, 2011
Who Made It, Sustains It, How & Why? Part I
Saturday Jun 11, 2011
Saturday Jun 11, 2011
Who Sustains it all? God did not just build it and walk away. He sustains all creation. He has an active role in every little detail. Be encouraged, there is no problem too small for God.

Thursday Jun 09, 2011
Who Made It, Sustains It, How & Why? Part I
Thursday Jun 09, 2011
Thursday Jun 09, 2011
There is a purpose for every design and everything is designed by a designer. Learn what the Bible clearly teaches about “Who Made It.”

Tuesday May 31, 2011
Building a Reputation Part III
Tuesday May 31, 2011
Tuesday May 31, 2011
God's owes us Justice, but gives Grace. God never owes anyone Grace. So think twice before you cry out, "That's not fair!" because God might just give you Justice.

Wednesday May 25, 2011
Building a Reputation Part II
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Paul was such a powerful preacher that even the introductions in his letters explode with Theology. Listen carefully to the second part of this timeless message, "Building a Reputation".

Monday May 23, 2011
Building a Reputation Part I
Monday May 23, 2011
Monday May 23, 2011
What is in an intro? Paul when writing to the Thessalonians opens with some serious theology right at the start. Works produced by Faith.

Thursday May 19, 2011
Mom's Influence, Legacy, Education & Sacrifice II
Thursday May 19, 2011
Thursday May 19, 2011
Make sure the women in your life hear this encouraging message. Women everywhere will be encouraged with this timeless message on the influence, legacy, education & sacrifice of a believing mother. Lois & Eunice could never have imagined that the son they raised would be the founding pastor of the 1st church of Ephesus. Nor would they have imagined that two epistles and a reference in the historical writings of Acts would include Timothy’s name. How is that for legacy? The role of mother is of the highest calling.

Thursday May 19, 2011
Mom's Influence, Legacy, Education & Sacrifice
Thursday May 19, 2011
Thursday May 19, 2011
Women everywhere will be encouraged with this timeless message on the influence, legacy, education & sacrifice of a believing mother. Lois & Eunice could never have imagined that the son they raised would be the founding pastor of the 1st church of Ephesus. Nor would they have imagined that two epistles and a reference in the historical writings of Acts would include Timothy’s name. How is that for legacy? The role of mother is of the highest calling.