
Tuesday May 10, 2011
The Great Commission In Public Part I
Tuesday May 10, 2011
Tuesday May 10, 2011
Talking like a Christian is easy at church but it can be scary at work. The Great Commission is made of two parts. First, sharing the Salvation Message and then helping the new Christian grow up. The Salvation Message also had two parts; The first part is EVERYONE has broken God’s Law and will be punished. The second part is God will punish His Son in your place and forgive you. It’s hard to get to the second part when people reject the first part and then attack you for suggesting God’s wrath is on them. Sharing the Salvation Message is the greatest expression of love you can offer someone and God tells us to love our enemies. Can you see where this is leading? Will loving others complicate you work day now? You know someone is not going to like the Salvation Message. Are you still willing to share it?

Tuesday Apr 26, 2011
The Resurrection; A Historical Narrative
Tuesday Apr 26, 2011
Tuesday Apr 26, 2011
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the final and greatest part of the Gospel; Good News! We serve THE Living God. The Resurrection is a Historical Fact. We can be thankful that is not an opinion, nor up for discussion. Celebrate the Risen Savior!

Monday Apr 18, 2011
King Priest Forever
Monday Apr 18, 2011
Monday Apr 18, 2011
What distinguishes Christianity from cults is the Jesus Christ of the Bible. John warns us in 1 John 4:2-3 1Jo 4:2 NIV - This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 1Jo 4:3 NIV - but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. Since Jesus claims to be The Way, The Truth, The Life, (John 14:6) it’s easy to identify a cult; Anything But, Jesus Christ Alone. Really Simple, Really Obvious.

Tuesday Apr 12, 2011
Called Out
Tuesday Apr 12, 2011
Tuesday Apr 12, 2011
Ever heard the term, “Cross to Bear”? That does not mean to simply suffer. Only a Christian can bear a cross when they suffer for obeying Jesus. Matthew chapter 10 tells us that God has chosen us, given us authority to share the Gospel and knows us by name. Are you willing to follow Jesus all the more?

Monday Apr 04, 2011
THE Meaning of Life
Monday Apr 04, 2011
Monday Apr 04, 2011
THE Meaning of Life. Celebrating Communion is a great time to think about it.

Monday Mar 28, 2011
Confused About Judging
Monday Mar 28, 2011
Monday Mar 28, 2011
“Stop Judging Me!” There is so much confusion over the topic of judging. According the current misunderstanding of judgment, you cannot say anything bad or even Good! Any criticism is a judgment. So how are Christians to "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. . . . .” Mat 7:15-16. OR My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, - remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins. Jam 5:19-20 NIV If we are not allowed to make judgments as to what sin is how are we to obey Christ? The difference is clear. Condemnation VS Identification for the purpose of Restoration. Condemnation; Only God does that and Romans 3:23 says He already has. Identification for the purpose of Restoration; That is what Christian Love Looks Like.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2011
Holy Information Part III; The Bible, Doctrine, Creeds
Wednesday Mar 23, 2011
Wednesday Mar 23, 2011
Holy Information part III; The Bible, Doctrines & Creeds The Bible is the most historically accurate book in human history. One thing you can be sure of; What the Bible SAYS IS what it SAYS. The real issue for most people is what the Bible says. Doctrines are a listing of foundational timeless Truths that the Bible reveals to us. Creeds are an overview of the most important doctrines that define Christianity. The three enemies of The Bible, Doctrine & Creeds happen to be 1. Textual criticisms, 2. False Teachers, 3. Heresies. Call to Action: Study Your Bible, Know your Doctrine, Know the Creeds of the Christian Faith.

Tuesday Mar 15, 2011
Holy Information Part II
Tuesday Mar 15, 2011
Tuesday Mar 15, 2011
The Bible commands us very clearly to put God’s Truths in us; The Right Information. What we believe is what we will do every time. If there is Right Information (and there is), then there is wrong information. Find every possible way to God’s Word into your head. Bible reading, audio Bibles, solid Biblical Preachers and Bible Study. To Love God is to Know God.

Tuesday Mar 08, 2011
Holy Information. . . . Batman!
Tuesday Mar 08, 2011
Tuesday Mar 08, 2011
Holy Information. What happens when you blend your Christianity with the internet, social media and your smartphone? The Answer an exciting and incredible responsibility to The Great Commission. The Internet and Social media has given Christians very powerful tools. This message helps us connect our social life to the Christian Command to Study God’s Word & Share God’s Word. We live in exciting times!

Monday Feb 28, 2011
Courage To Take Up Your Cross
Monday Feb 28, 2011
Monday Feb 28, 2011
What does it mean when Jesus says to take up our cross? As we look at a comparison to the Apostle’s ministry before the Sacrifice of Christ and The Great Commission to all believers after the resurrection. One thing we are certainly in need of is courage. To take up our cross it follow Christ and suffer when we do things Right. It does not mean to suffer with a sickness or common trial. Our cross is when we are identified with Christ and persecuted for that identification. Are you ready to take up your cross? For one in love with Christ, the only answer is YES!