
Monday Feb 21, 2011
Monday Feb 21, 2011
Monday Feb 21, 2011
God made us to have desires. It’s logical to concluded that the author of desire offers the fulfillment of your desires. In this podcast you will learn that Good and evil are not equal and opposing forces. One day Good will exist and evil will be removed. For the person who will yield to Jesus Christ, one day all their desires will be fulfilled. It will be an incredible experience beyond description. The Bible gives us plenty of Truths that will give us Hope of our future.

Monday Feb 14, 2011
Repent For The Most Ultimate Of Love
Monday Feb 14, 2011
Monday Feb 14, 2011
Which is more difficult for you to except? 1. Admit you are a sinner/evil. OR 2. Yield to Jesus Christ as Lord and King over you. It has been said, The only requirement to be a Christian is you must be a sinner. It is terrifying to acknowledge we are evil before a holy God, but don’t forget the good news, that He wants to wipe out our sins and prepare a place for use in Heaven. We must yield to Jesus Christ to have God’s wrath removed from you. You might be thinking who I am to say such things? Thankfully nothing I say really matters, only what the Bible says. The Bible tells us the problem and the solution. For obedience to God is all that matters. We must repent to receive the most ultimate of love.

Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Rock'n The Bible
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Know what it means to read the Bible literally. Don’t run or make excuses when you read about a miracle in the Bible. If it’s what the Bible says, deal with it. In this message you will learn two ways how NOT to read the Bible; allegorical and mystical. You will learn the simple basics for a literal Bible Study. Finally Luke 12:48 Gives Christians a Very Scary Warning: From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. From online Bible Resources like www.BlueletterBible.org and www.Biblegateway.com Christians are armed to the teeth! Add social media and you as a Christian are without excuse to fulfill the Great Commission. Matt 28:18-20.

Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
Evolution: A Foolish Religion
Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
The Greatest Enemy of Evolution is Science. In this podcast you will learn the following. Time & Chance cannot “create” anything. Remember what a noun is? Person, place or thing. Time is not a thing = nothing = 0 Chance is not a thing = nothing = 0 An evolutionist must believe the following equation. • 0+0= The manifold complex & organized UNIVERSE! • Natural Selection is a loss of information not an increase. Of course the old and obvious one. • The fossil record as no transitional species. Oops, are evolutionist still trying ignore that? Rom 1:20 NIV - For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Monday Jan 24, 2011
Faithful & Fruitful
Monday Jan 24, 2011
Monday Jan 24, 2011
**Warning** This message maybe convicting to Pastors. Too many preachers say “just stay faithful preaching”, that is only half true. Could you imagine if teachers in the public schools had only one requirement and that was to lecture on topics? Teachers are required to teach the students and develop ways to measure what the students have learned. Concrete Applications! Maybe preachers should be more like teachers? We are commanded to be fruitful also. If a preacher preaches for years and the Christians receiving these teachings are not practicing what they are learning then the preacher is failing at his calling. Christ calls us to MAKE disciples. Ephesians 4:12 says to PREPARE God’s people for WORKS of SERVICE. Just staying faithful in preaching is a copout. All Christians are to be Faithful at being Fruitful.

Monday Jan 17, 2011
Speaking The Truth In Love
Monday Jan 17, 2011
Monday Jan 17, 2011
It’s hard to talk about the Good News of Jesus Christ without talking about the Bad News that everyone is a sinner. Addressing the sins of the sinful nature in our culture is considered intolerant, politically incorrect and is even labeled as “hate speech”. Yet a righteous person can be pulled off the righteous pedestal if revealed to be hypocrite “sin” that’s the double standard. That is why Christians must be the first to acknowledge their own sins. 1. Level The Playing Field. Acknowledge your own sin first. 2. Then you can look at God’s Moral Code with an unrepentant person. 3. Share the Good News that Jesus took your sins upon Himself at the cross and gave you His righteousness. That is the only way a person will make it to Heaven.

Monday Jan 10, 2011
Justification, Sanctification, Glorification
Monday Jan 10, 2011
Monday Jan 10, 2011
Essential terms that a Christian should understand. These big “tion” words are terms used in the Bible. If you want to increase your confidence of eternal glory with God, then wrap your brain around this awesome Theology! You can also impress your friends with these five syllable words!

Monday Jan 03, 2011
New Is Great!
Monday Jan 03, 2011
Monday Jan 03, 2011
New is every moment for the slave of God. In Christ there is nowhere to go but forward, leave the past behind. Learn from it, that’s called Wisdom. Move on to great feats of service for your King! 2011 is a time to think about how to improve your commitment to study God’s Word and improve your ministry to Him.

Tuesday Dec 28, 2010
Made To Celebrate
Tuesday Dec 28, 2010
Tuesday Dec 28, 2010
Guess who invented the idea of a good time? God did. Think of the most incredible, elated experience you have ever had on Earth. It does not compare to the New Year’s Eve / Superbowl Party God is going to host in Heaven! However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" 1Cr 2:9 NIV Our problem; We are broken. As broken people we will get excited about and worship ANYTHING BUT God. The Greatest of all commandments is to LOVE God. Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. Mat 22:37-38 NIV Is that really too hard to do?

Monday Dec 20, 2010
What's In A Name?
Monday Dec 20, 2010
Monday Dec 20, 2010
Have you ever discovered the meaning of your name? Well, check out the deep deep meanings, yes more than one meaning, of Jesus Christ's name. Remember that Christmas hymn Immanuel? The name Immanuel makes Jesus WAY more than a "good teacher".