
Tuesday Dec 14, 2010
Work, Labor & Endurance
Tuesday Dec 14, 2010
Tuesday Dec 14, 2010
You don’t want God to judge you on your works! You do not want to stand before the Throne of God to see if you sincerely tried. The Bible is clear that the judgment of God is something to be avoided at all costs. The CONDEMNED try to earn their own way to Heaven. A Christian does NOT try to live a good life in hopes of going to Heaven. A Christian trusts in Jesus Christ’s Finished Work. A Christian works hard because they are ALREADY going to Heaven. A Christian endures and toils for Jesus Christ because Jesus allowed them into Heaven DESPITE their sins. Check out the drill down of 1 Thessalonians 1:3!

Monday Dec 06, 2010
False Love's Secret Contracts
Monday Dec 06, 2010
Monday Dec 06, 2010
1 Corinthians 13. The Love Chapter! Sounds great when we are the receiving end, but what about that pesky bit about giving love? Sure I will love you, as long as. . . . “If, Then!” God says to Love Unconditionally, but that kind of love can HURT! Unconditional Love is UNFAIR & UNATURAL. Gather your courage as we obey God and learn about His not-so-secret Valentine for those who obey Him. Check it out!

Monday Dec 06, 2010
Unity of the Spirit
Monday Dec 06, 2010
Monday Dec 06, 2010
If the Bible says all Christians are baptized with the same Spirit, then why are there so many different denominations and doctrines? The answer is clearly written in the Bible. Christians need to know the difference between Salvation and Sanctification. Know what it looks like to “KNOW” you are going to Heaven and what it looks like to GROW UP in the Lord?

Monday Nov 29, 2010
A Warm Fuzzy Christmas. . . Not!
Monday Nov 29, 2010
Monday Nov 29, 2010
During the Christmas season TV lands always pumps out numerous warm fuzzy movies looking for the spirit of Christmas. When you think of the Christmas stories in the Bible of angels visiting Mary and the shepherds do images of soft white angels making gracious gestures to humble people yielded in peaceful adoration? You will enjoy this closer look at the angel visitations and the True Spirit of Christmas!

Thursday Nov 25, 2010
I'm Not Perfect
Thursday Nov 25, 2010
Thursday Nov 25, 2010
How is it that everyone on the planet can admit that they are not perfect? Somehow everyone intrinsically knows what perfect is. Why does everyone always feel the need to follow up with, "But"? Why does all mankind feel the need to "Justify" their imperfection? God has the answer and He wrote it clearly in the Bible. You are going to love this message!

Monday Nov 15, 2010
It's True! Modern Day False Prophets
Monday Nov 15, 2010
Monday Nov 15, 2010
They are fancy, fun and altruistic. But are they good? When a celebrity promotes “God” does that mean it is godly or even biblical? Who is “God” in a pluralistic & relativistic society? If it is not specified as God THROUGH Jesus Christ, it is not God at all. Thankfully this is not my opinion but a declaration in the Bible. So if you disagree, take it up with God The Son; Jesus Christ. So be open minded and tolerant, celebrate the diversity of Christian thinking and enjoy this thought provoking podcast.