
Saturday Mar 02, 2013
Judges 6; Talking To Angels
Saturday Mar 02, 2013
Saturday Mar 02, 2013
Gideon Chapter 6
What makes a Judge so special. God
Rom. 3:23, Ephs. 2:5, Col. 2:13.
You are no better or worse than Gideon. God’s Grace gives value.
2. A prophet sent to rebuke the rebellious people (6:7-10)
3. Gideon commissioned by an angel to lead Israel (6:11-24)
Angel of the LORD.
What’s wrong with Gideon’s questions? Sin. BUT! Who am I?
1 Peter 2:9
Seeing God means death! Judges 13:22
4. The altar of Baal and its grove destroyed by Gideon (6:25-32)
5. An army called together under Gideon (6:33-35)
6. The miracle of the fleece (6:34-40)
Do we doubt God? John 20:29-31.
Can we trust the Old and New Testament? 2 Peter 1:16-21.
Your Plan This Week
Bible Study: 2 Peter 1:2-4,
Make Every Effort. 2 Peter 1:5-8,
Don’t forget Sunday on Monday. 2

Saturday Feb 16, 2013
Judges 4 & 5; Deborah
Saturday Feb 16, 2013
Saturday Feb 16, 2013
Judges 4-5. A Woman Judge
Jdg 4:1 NIV - After Ehud died, the Israelites once again did evil in the eyes of the LORD.
Who Are the Canaanites? Gen 9:21-27, Judges 1:19
A Female Prophetess & Judge. Deborah Judges 4:4-5
Barak is not so sure: Judges 4:8-10
Moses’s In-laws make an appearance: Judges 4:11
The Battle is won, Just as God said. Jdgs, 4:12-16
Prophecy is fulfilled twice over with Deborah & Jael. 4:17-24
Heart Check: Do we act like Barak? Did God Command us to do something? Did God equip us? Matt: 28:19-20, John 16:7-15.
Your Sword: Hebrews 4:12.
Chapter 5: They Sang a New Song!
1. It was a contemporary song.
2. It was probably a different style of music than their parents.
3. It’s a long song.
4. It proclaimed that God used two Women to defeat their enemies. (Controversial) Complementarianism
And the land had rest for forty years.
But then . . . . .
[Jdg 6:1 NIV] 1 Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD, and for seven years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites

Saturday Feb 09, 2013
Special Podcast.
Saturday Feb 09, 2013
Saturday Feb 09, 2013

Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Judges 3; Here Comes Da Judge!
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
On January 22, 1973, 40th Anniversary of Roe Vs Wade
Over 53 million babes have been murdered.
1. A sin is a sin, and our church is full of sinners.
2. Pro-choice is changing their strategy to new demonic levels. A) Pro choice folks admit its a baby, B) They are willing to sacrifice the child.
3. This century of American men will go down in history as the most pathetic, cowards in world history.
Google: Mary Elizabeth Williams is a staff writer for Salon
They are willing to admit a human is a human from conception and they are willing to murder the child regardless.
What real human sacrifice looks like Romans 12:1-2. Living Sacrifice.
Sacrificing to demons: Psalms 106; 34-41.
B. The Judges of Israel - 3:7 - 16:31
1. Othniel (1st Judge) 3:7-11 2. Ehud (Left-Handed Judge) 3:12-20 3. Shamgar (Ox-Goad Judge) 3:21-30
Israel waiting for their King: Isa 9;6-7, A Victorious King: Acts 1;3-9.
Symbolism tries to explain a greater reality! Rev. 19:11-21.
Judges 3:1-7: The Setting: moral failure
God Gives Them Over Cycle #1: Judges 3:8-11. Judge Othniel.
God Gives Them Over Cycle #2: Judges 3:12-30. Judge Ehud.
Don’t forget Shamgar! Judges 3:31.
Our Weapons; Hebrews 4:12. The sword tip: The Gospel 10:13-15. The 5 Disciplines: Use Your Sword!

Saturday Jan 26, 2013
Judges Chapter 2; A Bird's Eye View
Saturday Jan 26, 2013
Saturday Jan 26, 2013
A. The Condition of Israel Under the Judges - 1:1 - 3:6
1. Israel's Failure to Drive Out All the Inhabitants - 1:1 - 2:5 Setting the stage 2. Summary of Israel Under the Judges - 2:6 - 3:6
B. The Judges of Israel - 3:7 - 16:31
C. Events Demonstrating the Sinfulness of Israel - chapters 17 - 21
Is Joshua dead or alive? Judges 1 & Judges 2.
Bibliology: Whole Bible in it’s originals are without error.
Preserved by God for us today.
How to know if you really hate God.
1. You Ignore Him. Judges 2:11-13.
2. You Blame God when He gives you what you want? 2:14-15.
3. Assume His blessings & continue to be a pagan & hedonism. 16-17
4. You depth of sinful evil practice is deepening. 18-19
Comment concerning companies using aborted children to test products.
5. You think the 10 commandments are passé, but you are enlighten
6. You think you know better than God. You are sovereign. . . . not. 3:1-6.
They broke God’s command and intertwined their culture.
God commanded Israel not to do that. Deu. 7:1-4.
God hates Idolatry. Deu. 7:5. Example: Pagan Earth Worship.
Recycling: worship or stewardship? Why do you recycle? Romans 7:6-11
God Loves His People! Deu. 7:6-11. God Calls Us Also! 1 Cr. 1:26-31.

Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Judges Chapter 1; Unfinished Business
Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Judges—Unfinished Business
A. The Condition of Israel Under the Judges - 1:1 - 3:6
1. Israel's Failure to Drive Out All the Inhabitants - 1:1 - 2:5 Setting the stage 2. Summary of Israel Under the Judges - 2:6 - 3:6
B. The Judges of Israel - 3:7 - 16:31
C. Events Demonstrating the Sinfulness of Israel - chapters 17 - 21
The Conquest Continues: Judges 1:1-4.
The Priesthood and Ark are with Israel.
Judah rocks the house: Judges 1:5-15.
Othniel claims a victory at Kiriath Sepher.
1st failure of Judah; 18-19.
Who is Caleb? Number 13, 14. Special Opts. Of the tribe of Judah.
Flashback! Spying out the promise Land. Numbers 13-14.
Spies report: 2 say, “let’s Go”. The others say “NO”. Num.13:25-31.
Pseudo Righteous Coup: 13:32-33 leds to open Rebellion Num. 14:1-38.
Caleb & Joshua only survivors of God’s Wrath. Num. 14:38.
Back to Judges! Chapter 2:1-5.
Sometimes “Good Enough” is not Good Enough.
Support the Speakn Deacon and spend shopping at Amazon.

Saturday Jan 12, 2013
Judges Kick Off!
Saturday Jan 12, 2013
Saturday Jan 12, 2013
Kick Off To The Book of Judges
When written: 1045-1000 BCHistorical Narrative.
Time Frame of events: between Joshua & Samuel. 400 years.
Main Characters:
1. Israel
Distinguished by their tribes. 12 tribes, each given an area for an inheritance
2. The “. . . ites”.
Canaanites and Perizzites, Philistines, the Sidonians, and the Hivites
Hittites, Amorites, and Jebusites.
3. The “. . .ite’s” gods; baal & Ashtoreth
Baals: means lord, a god of a local area.
4. The Judges: Judge means Judge: All in one package from judge, jury and executioner
Your Homework.
1 Read Your Bible. 2. Listen to the Bible at Bible.is or Biblegateway.com listen to the dramatized narratives. 3. Do your own Bible study on the Judges. Go here and buy some Godly content.
Saturday Jan 05, 2013
Saturday Jan 05, 2013
Saturday Jan 05, 2013
Click the link below and grab a good study on Grace, right to your E-device today & support the Speakn Deacon.

1. God is Holy
2. God is Just & Judge
3. God is Merciful
4. God is Gracious
A: The Big Picture: The Gospel! All forms of Grace is an Act of God Alone! Psa: 116:5-8, John 1:14-17, 1 Peter 1:10-12, Gal 3:17-19, Col 1:3-6, Romans, 1:1-6,
B: Common Grace VS Special Grace
Matt: 5;44-45, Isa 25:10, 2 Cr. 2:14-17, 2 Cr 6:1,2
C: Grace is God Saving us.
Ephs 2:4-8, Titus 2:11-14,
D: The Response of those who are saved.
2 Cr. 8:7-9, Ephs 1:4-8, 2 Peter 3:17-18, Acts 6:8, 2 Cr. 12:14.
E. The Apostles began their letters with Grace. Grace is coveted! 2 Tim 1:2, Titus 3:15, Philemon 1:3, 1:25, Hebrews 13:25,
2Jo 1:3 NIV - Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, will be with us in truth and love.

Saturday Dec 29, 2012
Dedicate Your Children To God
Saturday Dec 29, 2012
Saturday Dec 29, 2012
Most important dedication. Luke 2:21-24.
Commanded to teach our children. Deu 6:4-7.
Children are a gift. Psalms 127:3-5
Power of a Father’s words! Ephs 6:4.
You know, with all the immorality our country is exhibiting, we know the only hope is obedience to God through Jesus Christ.
One of the most important things you and I can do during this time is find someone and disciple them.
Parents, God has provided us someone to disciple; our children.
It is our command to raise our children to know exactly what the Bible says, old and new testaments.
If you don’t feel adequate for the job, let me encourage you.
Turn off your TV, and do a Google search Answers in Genesis, visit Biblegateway.com and Focus on the Family
You will find a way to do what is most important to you. Disciple your kids.
Support this businestry by shopping at Abe's of Maine!

Saturday Dec 22, 2012
Saturday Dec 22, 2012
Saturday Dec 22, 2012
God is Holy, We are not
God is Just; Righteous, we are not
God is Judge; We are not
God will Judge; We will receive Justice. Oh oh!
God is not Obligated to show mercy: Psa 14:1-3,

Humans are not inherently good. Gen 6:5-8, Romans 3:9-12, 20-31.
The source of our value is from God. God is the SOURCE! Not us.
God gets the Glory, we don’t.
Mary Gives Glory to God: Luke 1:41-55
It’s God’s prerogative to offer mercy. Romans 9:14-16.
God’s mercy to Adam & Eve. Gen. 3:3, 3:21-24.
Our response to God’s mercy; Adoration: Psa 8:3-9
What God’s mercy look like on a sinner. Ephs. 2:1-10, 1 Peter 2:9-12.
Jesus is the only way to receive God’s mercy. Acts 4:10-12.
Propitiation: 1 John 4:9-11
A Humble Understanding of us in view of God. Psa: 86:1-6.
Perquisite to receive God’s mercy is you must be a sinner.
Luke 18:10-14.
The Gospel Bomb! 1 Peter 1:1-5.