
Friday Jan 06, 2012
James Slave of God & Jesus Christ II
Friday Jan 06, 2012
Friday Jan 06, 2012
Opening Greeting: James 1:1
A Slave of God & Jesus Christ
To the 12 tribes scattered. Jewish Christians scattered by the 1st persecution lead by Saul & Jewish churches started by Paul. Acts 17: What price have you paid?
Follow Jesus into deeper levels of commitment & LOVE.
Matt 10:39, 16:25, John 12:25. Lose Your Life!
Right before the Last Supper the Creator of the Universe washed feet.
Follow Your Savior!

Friday Jan 06, 2012
James Slave of God & Jesus Christ I
Friday Jan 06, 2012
Friday Jan 06, 2012
A universal epistle: Theology & Exhortation to work.
James 1:1. James,
James who?: 1/2 Brother of Jesus. Mt 13:55
James did not believe Jesus was the Christ. Jn 7:5
He is a follower after the Resurrection. 1 Co 15:7 & Acts 1:14.
A leader in the Jerusalem church. Acts 21:18-19.
Wrote his Epistle shortly before his martyrdom in 62 AD. Either beaten to death or cast down from the temple.

Friday Dec 30, 2011
The Consolation of Israel
Friday Dec 30, 2011
Friday Dec 30, 2011
This special Christmas Message was preached on December 25, 2011. The following notes include the Bible verses for your own personal study.
A Stone in Zion. 1 Peter 2:6-8.
Jesus The Messiah. Luke 1:31-33.
Jesus means The Lord Saves
Messiah means The Anointed One
Savoir, Christ & Lord. Luke 2:10-12.
Mary & Joseph take Jesus to His dedication.
Luke 2:25-32.
The Consolation of Israel. Isaiah 40:1-5.
How is Jesus this consolation? Col. 1:13-14
Are sins/evil is forgiven. Romans 5:8-11
God & Jesus JUSTIFY YOU.
That means you never have to work for God’s Favor.
Romans 8:32-34.
The Holy Spirit. Seals for Heaven. Ephs. 1:13-14.
Why makes this Jesus able to do this?
He IS GOD. Col. 1:15-22.
A weird statement from Simeon. Luke 2:33-35.
The rise and fall, A sign to be spoken against, & Mary will suffer.
700 year before the birth of Jesus. Isaiah 9:6-7.
How should we respond? 2 Cor. 5:14-15. Acts 2:42.
Live For Jesus Christ!

Friday Dec 09, 2011
Transfiguration III
Friday Dec 09, 2011
Friday Dec 09, 2011
Your heart Response. 1 Peter 1:2
Sanctifying work of the Spirit
For Obedience
Sanctifying: Killing the sinful nature & expressing Godly behavior. Romans 8:5-11.

Friday Dec 09, 2011
Transfiguration II
Friday Dec 09, 2011
Friday Dec 09, 2011
What was Moses & Elijah discussing with Jesus? Jesus’ Departure. Luke 9:30-31.
Luke 9:20-22. The Son of Man must be killed.

Friday Dec 09, 2011
Friday Dec 09, 2011
Friday Dec 09, 2011
2 Peter 1:16-18. We ourselves hear this voice from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.

Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Christ-Centric Life III
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, Ministry & Evangelism; These are the expression, response and discipline of a person who is NOT working so they can go to Heaven. BUT the fruit of a Christian whose eternal destiny of Heaven is secured by Jesus Christ. Which are you?

Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Christ-Centric Life II
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Christians respond to Christ because they know they are going to Heaven.
Religious people reject Jesus, labor half-heartedly and hope that their works will be good enough. Honestly, does that even sound like a good idea?
Let the work of Jesus on the cross be your salvation and secure Heaven for you.

Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Christ-Centric Life I
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Religious people compartmentalize Jesus to Sunday mornings and make sure Jesus does not interfere with the rest of their week. Christians love Jesus and there is nothing in a Christian’s life that does not include Jesus.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Broken Moral Compass IV
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
There is only one response to God when He has erased your record of bad and credits you with Christ's Perfect record. An crazy desire to love and serve God.