
Monday May 27, 2013
God Said; One True Source
Monday May 27, 2013
Monday May 27, 2013
If the Bible is the One True Source, what would be the evidence?
1. The One True Source
2. What that source says. The message of the source.
Claim it’s the one True Source.
1. Similar, yet corrupted stories all over the world Why corrupted?, because what the One True Source claims about humanity.
2. Archeological Evidence
3. Scientific Evidence
The Bible Claims,
1. Claim it’s the one True Source.
2. Preserved for us. Evidence of Historicity
3. Unique Message: God is Holy, Humans are Evil.
We would be looking for Universal antagonism towards the Gospel.

Saturday May 18, 2013
God Said
Saturday May 18, 2013
Saturday May 18, 2013
“God Said” 9 times. In Gen. 1
Information: more to the term “God Said”
The source of ALL information:
Information Systems
Pseudo Dichotomy: Super natural VS natural, religion vs science
God Said, Miracles, John 12:28-30, Revelation: 2 Peter 1:20-21
Evolution must believe the un-scientific impossibility :
Nothing Times Nobody = Everything.
Pesky Laws: Math, physics, Biogenesis, Morality.
Not just matter & energy;, INFORMATION.
Don’t assume the complexity and necessity of how information is used.
A stick being rained on will not evolve into an umbrella.
Von Neumann Machine: Self-sustaining, Self-repairing, Self-reproducing. The organic cell.
Law of cause and effect. Infinite Regression?
People reject God. Romans 1:18-20,
God made it and sustains it. John 1:1-14, Col. 1:15-17.
Do you love God’s Information? Psalms 119: 12-17

God Said
God Said

Saturday May 11, 2013
Judges 20-21, Grand Finale
Saturday May 11, 2013
Saturday May 11, 2013
Recap; Judges 19-20.
Benjamin unites against Israel. . Civil War! Jdg 20:14 –17
Inquires of God? Jdg 20:18
Israel Loses Badly. Jdg 20:19 -22
Inquired of God again. Jdg 20:23
Israel Loses badly again and pleads before God. Jdg 20:24 –26
They inquire of God again. Jdg 20:27 –28
A Little about Phinehas: Num 25:1-13
New Battle Plan Jdg 20:29 -34
The LORD is given credit for beating Benjamin. Jdg 20:35
Benjamin defeated & Gibeah destroyed; Here is how it was done. Jdg 20:36 –41
Benjamin Flees in two main directions. Jdg 20:42-46
600 survivors escape to the Rock of Rimmon. Jdg 20:47
All of the tribe of Benjamin wiped out. Jdg 20:48
Remorse for the loss of a the tribe of Benjamin Jdg 21:1 –7
The remnant of Benjamin needs wives. But where can we find some women? Jdg 21:8 –12
Women as a peace offering to Benjamin. Jdg 21:13 –15
Do the math, there are still 200 wives short for Benjamin. What shall we do? Jdg 21:16 –18
Let the women be kidnapped, that way we can say, “We never “gave” women to Benjamin.” Jdg 21:19 –22
And they lived happily ever after. Jdg 21:23 –23
What was that all about? God tells us. Jdg 21:25
Our Response: Serve Jesus! How? Make Disciples. How?
Here is the plan. . . . . . YOU

Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Judges 19 & 20, Sins to Civil War
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
A Levite & His concubine: 19:1-13
Gibeah A town of Benjamin: 19:14-21.
An event just like Sodom & Gomorrah: 19:22-28.
News Media: Old style. 19:29-30
Israel’s Tribes Gather. 20:1-5.
Israel’s council, lacking a few details. 20:6-8.
Council response: 20:9-13. Benjamin unites against Israel, Civil War!
Everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Judges 17:6
The religion of Subjectivism.
Flashback Joshua 24:14-26. Warning, Commitment, Covenant.
The Antichrist religion of subjectivism.
Core tenants.
1. no such thing as absolute truth.
2. It’s wrong to judge someone’s morality unless. . . . . . . . (?)
Wikipedia’s definition; “our own mental activity is the only unquestionable fact of our experience”
Primary enemy of this religion; Biblical Christianity.
Judges demonstrates subjectivism is evil.
Reject God’s Moral Commands and Laws. Romans 1:18-23
God’s first Judgment of you is to let you go. Romans 1:24, 26, 28
When we are left to our own devices. Everyone suffers in life, dies a horrible, meaningless death & is cast into hell. Romans 1:25, 27-28, 29-32
A Righteousness from God! Rom 3:21-25.
See God’s Love! 1 John 3:1-3. God Glorious Riches! Ephs 3:16-21

Saturday Apr 20, 2013
Judges 17 & 18; In Their Own Eyes.
Saturday Apr 20, 2013
Saturday Apr 20, 2013
Start with the Law. No images! 20:3-5.
Family Theft: 17:1-2.
Graven images 3-5.
Time stamp & spiritual condition . 6-8
A lil about Levites! A tribe set aside to serve God. Num 3:12.
No land, no battles.
A Levite looking for work & find it! 17:7-13.
Chapter 18: Time stamp.
Dan has not claimed land yet sends out spies. Happens apon levite priest.18:1-6.
Spies report and army sets out. 18:13-19.
Levite gets a promotion. 20-21.
Might makes right; 22-26.
Dan gets land and establishes idolatrous religion. 27-31.
Recipe for Homemade religions:
1. major lack of Bible knowledge.
2. TV; all forms of spiritual lies. TV prosperity preachers, new age, History & pseudo science shows, News media.
3. A dash of family superstition;
Truth is binary: It’s either TRUE or False.
Reprogram the lies you believe with God’s Truths. It’s a process.
Jesus Christ is God.
Romans 12:2, Philippines 4:8, I John 2:22-23, John 6:51, John 8:23, John 8:12, John 8:53, John 10:9, John 10:11, John 10:36, John 11:25, 14:6, 15:1, 19:2, Acts 9:5.
Romans 8:1-2; THEREFORE!!! there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,

Monday Apr 15, 2013
Judges 16; God's Little Trouble Maker
Monday Apr 15, 2013
Monday Apr 15, 2013
God’s Will VS Samson’s Will.
Judges 13:24-15. The Spirit of the LORD began to stir him.
Judges 14:4. from the LORD, who was seeking an occasion to confront the Philistines.
Knowing God’s Will. Three distinctions.
1. Sovereign decretive will, the will by which God brings to pass whatsoever He decrees. This is hidden to us until it happens. “Mysterious ways” Ruth, Ester “GCC”
2. Preceptive will is God's revealed law or commandments, which we lack the power to obey nor the right to break. 10 Commandments: Don’t Do’s and Do dos.
3. Will of disposition describes God's attitude or disposition. It reveals what is pleasing to Him.
Samson the Nazarite, next act . . . 16:1.
Philistines try to catch him. 16:2-3.
Samson’s next act. A philistine woman named Delilah.
Delilah’s true feelings for Samson. 16:5 money!
Goal: seduce Samson to share his strength secret. 1st try. 16:6-9.
2nd Try. 16:10-12, 3rd try, 16:13-14.
Fourth attempt and success: 16:15-20.
Samson’s imprisonment. 16:21-22. Philistine’s god worshiped. 23-27.
Samson’s prayer of faith? 16:28-30, Samson’s end 30-31.
God’s initiative despite Us. Romans 5:8-11 & 1 John 4.

Saturday Apr 06, 2013
Suffering Servant & KING of Kings
Saturday Apr 06, 2013
Saturday Apr 06, 2013
The Mystery of True godliness: 1 Tim 3:16
Now will you restore the Kingdom?: Acts 1:1-6. What Kingdom?
Kingdom: Isa 9:6-7, Son of Man: Dan. 7:13-14,
It’s not for us to know the return Kingdom, Get to work! Acts 1:7-11.
Flash Back: Jesus’ sermon: Luke 5:14-21.
Jesus stopped before the following verse. Isa 61:1-2.
Suffering Servant: Isa 42:1-4, Isa 53:1-12,
King of Kings & Lord of Lords.
Rev. 19:11-16, Rev. 17: 14.
A Glorious Kingdom: Rev. 21:1-7.
Be Eager to Serve The King Whom Saved You. Titus: 2:11-14.

Monday Mar 25, 2013
Judges 13,14,15; What Kind Of Judge Is That?
Monday Mar 25, 2013
Monday Mar 25, 2013
Again! Jdg 13:1
A prophecy and command: 13:2-5
Nazirite Vow Num. 6:1-8. & Lev. No Alcohol, no road kill, no hair cuts.
The Law overall: don’t touch dead stuff. Lev. 5:2-6.
Reaction to the Message : 13:6-11.
Manoah wants more info: 13:12-18.
Wonderful = Extraordinary! Like : Psa: 139:6
Oh! That was an angel of God! 13;19-24.
God “Stirs” Sampson. 13:25.
1. Philistine wife.14:1-3, Broken Command; Intermarriage Deu: 7:2-4.
Israel Disobeyed by intermarriage : Jdges 3:5-7, Parents comply: 14:4-7
2. Touching dead things: 14:8-9. Eating food from dead thing;
Wedding Feast & Riddle: 14:10-15.
Sampson’s Wife presses him to share the riddle: 14:16-18.
First act of Judgment: 14:19-20.
Things become problematic. Jdges 15:1-2.
Sampson’s response to lost wife: 15:3-5.
Retaliation continues: 15:6, and continues; 15:7-8.
Hip & thigh; means “kicked their butts”
Philistine Posse Judges 15:9-10. Judah’s cowardly response. 15:11-13.
Sampson Goes Superman!. . with a dead thing. 15:14-17.
Sampson’s Prayer of Faith? 15:18-19.
Philistines give Israel a little space. 15:20.
Jesus is Perfect Judge & King! Mark 11:7-10, Entry as King
Atoning Sacrifice: Phil. 2;6-8. Return again as King! Phil. 2:9-11.
Perfect Judge: 2 Thess. 1:5-10.
Isaiah Declares: 45:21-25 All will Bow: Romans 14:11-12.

Saturday Mar 16, 2013
Judges 9: Why Is That In The Bible?
Saturday Mar 16, 2013
Saturday Mar 16, 2013
Setting The Stage: 8:30-35
Abimelek, Son of Gideon & concubine of Shechem
Power Grab: 9:1-5.
Little King & The Curse: 9:6-21.
A Short Reign then God’s Judgment: 9:22-29.
The 1st Big Fight. 9:39-41.
The Massacre at Shechem. 9:42-45.
Burning of the Tower 9:46-49.
Abimelek Continues His Attack. 9:50-57.
Why Is That In The Bible? Believe It Or Not; Intimacy!
1 John 4:7 Knowledge = Theology = Intimacy.
1. Theology of Man. Sinful = Evil, Judges 17:6, Rom 3:23-24.
2. The Theology of God. God Reveals Himself To Us.
1. By Creation. 2. Special Revelation: The Bible.
God’s most unpopular & offensive Attributes:
1. Holiness /Justice. 2. God’s Sovereignty
Judges 9:23: “God stirred up animosity”?
Hardened Pharaoh's Heart?
Job 1:12 “Behold ,all that he has is in your hand.”
Judges: 2:13-14. He Gave The Over.
Romans 1: 18, 24, 26, 28. He Gave Them Up.
Rom. 3:25: God presented Christ as a Sacrifice of Atonement!
God’s Popular Attributes: Mercy, Grace & Love.
What Kind of Love has the Father given us?! 1 John 3:1-2
John 20:31, Ephs 1:7-12. Grow Closer To God: Rom 7:24-25.
Judges 9
Judges 9

Saturday Mar 09, 2013
Judges 7 & 8 Gideon In Action!
Saturday Mar 09, 2013
Saturday Mar 09, 2013
Gideon Summons an army: 6:34, 35
God reduces the army’s size: 7:1-8, Why: 7:2. So Israel won’t boast in themselves.
God Graciously gives Gideon one more sign. 7:9-14.
Spontaneous Worship: 7:15.
Fear, Confusion, Defeat: 7:16-24.
Lil’ bit of Wartime Politicking: 8:1-3.
Poor choices of town leaders. 8:4-9.
Final Routing: 8:10-12.
Town leaders get a spanking: 8:13-17.
Judgment on Midan’s Princes. 8:18-21.
Foreshadow of things to come in Samuel. 8:22
Right Answer, Wrong Action: 8:23-27.
Why was it wrong? Exd. 2:4-6.
God uses sinful people, because there are no righteous people. 8:28-32.
But Then. . . . Worship of Baal-Berith.
Broken Hero pattern: Why? Jdg. 7:2,
Consider yourself. 1 Cr. 1:26-31
Righteous, Romans 3:21-23, 1 Cr.6:11
Sanctified, John 17-21
Redeemed, Romans 3:24-28.
FAITH: Acknowledging & Depending that what God said is TRUE.
The Gospel, Jesus Christ is the Only Way to escape God’s Wrath!
John 14:6, Acts 4:11-12, Hebrews 10:29-31,
Are you ready to share the Gospel, no matter the cost?