
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Will of God, The One True Source; The Bible
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Why all the different religions and denominations if there is one true source?
God’s Word is designed to divide.
Matt: 10:34-39.
Separation & Filtration, ie; sanctification.
1. Separates the World & The Church
2. Filtrates The Church & The Church
1. Separates the World & The Church:
John 1:1-13. darkness has not understood the light, Nor recognized, nor receive the light.
Parables glean the harvest, sheep & goats. Matt 13:10-17.
Sheep hear Jesus. John 10:24-30. Sheep respond with pursuit. John 6:63-71.
Thrice & Dice: My opinion, Your opinion, God’s Word.
2. The Church & The Church:
Not an issue of salvation, but of sanctification.
What about all the different Christian Denominations? Two Major Camps.
Jesus Christ Alone VS Jesus Christ Plus. . . . . Both can’t be right.
Evil is NOT an ABILITY. Ephs 2:1-10.
Light & Heat; Melts Ice BUT Hardens clay
Isaiah Calls Israel to repent. Isa 1:1-20.
God’s Word transforms the sheep. Romans 12:1-3, 2 Peter 1:3-8, 1Cr. 2:12-16.

Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Will of God, Old Testament Laws
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Why don’t Christians follow the Old Testament Laws?
3 Distinctions in the Will of God.
1. Sovereign Will, 2. Preceptive Will, 3. Dispositional Will
Preceptive Will: The Old Testament Law!
1. Ceremonial, : The sacrifices and offerings Leviticus 1
2. Civil, : What it looks like to love your neighbor & aliens; Deut, 22.
3. Moral. : The Ten Commandments. Exd, 20.
What about food laws? Civil/Ceremonial Deu 14:6-8.
Jesus declared all food clean. Mark 7:18-23
Declared good in Romans 14:20-21
What about ceremonial laws? The break took place in the pages of the New Testament, with Peter, Paul and God.
Point of contention: Should gentile believers follow all the Jewish laws?
Start with uber-Jew Paul & his credentials Phil. 3:2-9,
Peter Endorsed Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles. Gal. 2:9,10.
Peter states Paul is Deep! 2 Peter 3;15-16.
Peter commanded to preach to Gentiles. Acts 10
Peter & Paul go toe to toe! Gal. 2:9-21.
Paul drops the hammer on the law. Gal. 5:1-7.
The Purpose of the O.T. Law: To help us see we are evil and need a savior.
Romans 3:19-24.
Live in the Freedom of Christ and Obey His Commands!

Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Three Will's of God
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
The three definitions of the Will of God:
1. Sovereign Decretive Will
The will by which God brings to pass whatsoever He decrees. This is hidden to us until it happens.
2. Preceptive Will, is God's revealed law or commandments,
Adjective of the nature of or expressing a precept; mandatory
giving instructions; instructive.
3. Disposition Will, God's attitude or disposition.
It reveals what is pleasing to Him.
Temptation to place religious practice over living for Christ
Religious practice: Compartmentalized, facade of depth, but really shallow. Candles, mantras, prayer positions. . . . . .
Living Sacrifice: Deep & Intrusive
Does God command us to be Baptized & Celebrate Communion?
Does God Command us to Fellowship, Worship, Discipleship, Evangelism & Ministry? YES!
Trust & Obey, It’s Awesome!
(Rom 15:13 NIV) - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Saturday Sep 08, 2012
OT Prophets III; Typology
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
How to understand the Prophets: Biblical Typology
It’s Not; Allegory Nor Pure Literal.
The typological interpretation of prophecy asserts that the prophets did not so much make singular predictions as proclaim certain theological themes or patterns and that these themes often have several manifestations or fulfillments in the course of human history. These patterns often have their greatest manifestations in the life of Christ or in the eschaton, but there may be one or more other fulfillments elsewhere in human history, especially in the immediate historical context of the prophet.
Ride The Wave Dude!
1. Babylon: Rev. 17-18. There is a final Babylon, but there are many Babylons throughout history.
2. Anti-Christs. (1Jo 2:18 NIV) - Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.
3. The Millennium; Pre, Post or A? When Jesus rules on Earth as King of the World. Based on when the Tribulation happens.
It all depends on how you understand Mark 13 or Matthew 24-25.
Israel & The Scribes knew the prophets foretold of Their Messiah.
Christians must study and know the Old Testament. (1Jo 3:23-24 NIV)

Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Old Testament Prophets II
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
The Price of Truth
Serving God; An extreme Message & Extreme Response.
Luke 4:14-40. Are you willing to talk about Jesus in your hometown?
Jeremiah & The Priests of the Lords Temple: Jer. 19-20.
The Heart of Jeremiah: 20:7-18.
Hebrews Hall of Faith: 11:32-40.
The primary ingredient for Courage: FEAR>
1. The power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc. World English Dictionary.
Examples: Obadiah; 1Ki, 18-7-9, Elijah; 1 Ki 19:1-3, Elijah; 2 Ki 1:15.
Jonah: 1-3, 4:1-3.
Serving as a Christian in your local church: fear, unappreciated. . . When you volunteer for a ministry, how much a priority is it compared to sports, education, work, etc? Which of those will save someone from hell?
Most Important: Know how to talk about Jesus. 2 Cr. 5:13-21,
John 14:21-24. 2Cor. 6:1-12.
Thrice & Dice. It’s not about you, it’s about God’s Word.
1.My opinion doesn’t matter: I can’t judge you.
2,Your opinion doesn’t matter: you can’t say what is wrong or right.
3. What does the Bible clearly teach?
How will you answer Mormonism? Homosexuality, How to vote?
Will you believe Genesis as it is written?
Will you obey Christ and His Disciplines?
Are you willing to lose your life for Jesus Christ?

Saturday Aug 18, 2012
Old Testament Prophets I
Saturday Aug 18, 2012
Saturday Aug 18, 2012
OT Prophets & NT Prophets
Prophet: Hebrew word nibba means “to summon, announce & call
4 themes of a prophets message:
1. instruction of the great truths about God and man;
2. warning and appeal to those living in sin;
3. comfort and exhortation to those trusting and obeying God; and
4. prediction of events to come.
The Oral and Writing Prophets
17 books of the Writing Prophets.
5 Major prophets, 12 Minor Prophets.
Check out 2 Kings Chapter 1.
NT Comparison:
Jesus & the Apostles. US! We are all called.
The Spiritual Gifts: 1 Cor. 12.
I am not convinced they have ceased.
3 Examples of what modern prophets look like.
#1. Stop reading horoscopes & prosperity preachers, they are evil.
#2. The “God” particle & The Fool.
The following video was played during the sermon to demonstrate the foolishness of those who reject God. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTVT-MlRq6o
#3. Live for Jesus or die.

Saturday Aug 11, 2012
1 John 3; How We Know
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Eschatological Hope: Motivation for Holy Living in the Present (2.28–3.10)
Hope Produces Holiness (2.28–3.3)
**”This Hope”: How do we really know what is after death?
God told you. Believe It! Trust What God Told You.
Love the Father has lavished to be Children of God. Jhn 1:12-13
2. Trust in God & Christ. A bigger, better place. Jhn 14:1-3
3. A Hundred Times as Much. Mar. 10:29-31
4. God does not owe us anything but judgment. Romans 11:35-36
A Proleptic View of Sanctification (3.4-10)
Justification: It’s a legal declaration. Romans 8:29-30
Sanctification: Romans 8:13-16, Phil 1:6
Love as Basis for Assurance: Definition and Discernment (3.11-24)
Definition (3.11-17)
Negatively Stated: The Example of Cain (3.11-15)
Sin Lists? Oh Yes! The Ten commandments. Exd 20:1-17
Galatians 5:19-21, Romans 1:28-32, Romans 3:13-181 , Corinthians 6:9-11
“””HOW WE KNOW””” Assurance 4xs!
Positively Stated: The Example of Christ (3.16-17)
Discernment: The Witness of the Spirit (3.18-24)
The Condemnation by our Hearts (3.18-20)
The Confidence we can have before God (3.21-24)
Trust & Obey!

Saturday Aug 04, 2012
1 John 2; In Christ
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
The Gospel: John 1-2.
1. Propitiation: God is Appeased! Your Sinful Nature is atoned!
2. Whole world? Yes! Whoever . . . . John 3:18, John 3;36.
Root = Fruit. Obey God’s Commands 2:3-11.
We know that we have come to know Him, IF we obey His commands.
Light loves, darkness hates.
Root = Fruit; Acts as mirror for self-evalutation. To Obey God, He gets Glory.
Works = Salvation: false hope, Christ is not enough, Denial of Propitiation.
Growth in Christ: 12-14.
Children: Saved
Young Men: Heroes
Fathers: Generals
Don’t Love The World, Obey God. 15-17.
False Teachers: Wow is this one timely! 18-27.
False teachers abandon the truth. 18-19.
False Jesuses are anti-christs.
Mormon Jesus, Prosperity Jesus, Patriotic Jesus,
“Keep sinning, Jesus still loves you; Jesus. *Wrong*
Denial of Jesus of the Bible 20-23. If you redefine Jesus you deny Jesus.
The Holy Spirit will point to the Jesus of the Bible. 20, John 16:13-14,
Jesus Is God! John 14:6-10, John 14:11
More about The Holy Spirit: 24-27. Hang tight to Jesus Christ!

Saturday Jul 21, 2012
2 Peter 3; Last Day Scoffers
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
2 Peter 3; Last Day Scoffers
Written as reminders to stimulate wholesome thinking. 2 Peter 3:1
(2Pe 3:2 NIV) - I want you to recall
1. the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and
**Old Testament**
2. the command given by our Lord and Savior -- through your apostles. **New Testament**
Last Day Scoffers: 2 Peter 3:3-5.
When you Deliberately Forget God, God gives you over. Romans 1:24-32
Destroyed by water, destroyed by fire. 2 Peter 3:6– 8, Gen. 1:6-7.
God’s Patience. 2 Peter 3:8-9.
Jesus prophesies about the end times. False christs & prophets.
Matt 24:21-27. 600 yrs later, Muhammad & Islam, 2000 yrs Joseph Smith & Mormons
Looking forward to Home a New Heaven & Earth: Pe 3:10-13. Rev. 21:1-8.
A Strict Warning: Rev. 21:8,
1. My opinion doesn’t matter; I can’t judge you.
2. Your opinion doesn’t matter; You can’t say what is right or wrong.
3. What God says is all that matters. What does God say?
Homosexuality is sin. 1 Cr. 6:9-10.
BUT: 1 Cr. 6:11 Washed, Sanctified, Justified.
A righteousness from God apart from the law. Romans 3:21-26.
So then, Make Every Effort. . . . . 2 Peter 3:14-15.
Peter mentions Paul. 2 Pe 3:16.
Therefore: Be On Your Guard. 2 Pe 3:17 and 18.

Saturday Jul 14, 2012
2 Peter 2: What's The Big Idea?
Saturday Jul 14, 2012
Saturday Jul 14, 2012
This week I am keeping the entire sermon together. 48 whooping minutes of God Talk!
A warning of false teachers.
Life, death and freedom hinge on what you believe.
Governments, politics, wars, religions are all ideas.
A godless society is blood thirsty society.
Double Standard: Evil is allowed to lie.
That is why Mormonism can say they follow Jesus Christ.
Book of Judges: 17:6, 2:10-11.
God has commanded us to Love Him. Exd. 20:1-3, 31:13. Romans 12:1-2.
False Teacher’s among us: 2:4-6,
God punishes sin by killing unrepentant people and sending them to hell.
Heart check: Why does that bother you?
God rescues people on an individual basis. 2 Peter 2:7-9
A description of false teacher’s motives: 2 Peter 2:10-15.
What’s the deal with Balaam? A real prophet with serious issues. Num. 24:1, 2 Peter 2:16.
Empty promises from false teachers: 2 Peter 17-19.
Uh oh, can we loose our salvation? 2 Peter 2:20.
No: It’s guaranteed: 2 Cor, 1:22, 5:5, Eph. 1:14.
We are NEW CREATIONS: 2 Cr. 5:17-19.
False Teachers are not new creations. No Change, No Change!
John 2:18-20, 2 Peter 2:21-22. Always a dog, always a sow.
Call to action: Love God with all your heart! 5 disciplines.
Train your children to do the same.