
Saturday Apr 07, 2012
Palm Sunday; Passion Week. Part 1
Saturday Apr 07, 2012
Saturday Apr 07, 2012
2 Things Jesus knew before his final week.
1. He was going to Jerusalem to die. Mark 10:32-33, Matt 20:17-19.
2. As a result of Israel’s rejection; Jerusalem was going to be destroyed. Luke 19:42-44
Jesus kicks the hornets nest.
1. He fulfilled prophecy by parading into Jerusalem as their Messianic King. Matt 21:1-11.
2. Jesus attacked their racketeering operation. Matt 21:12-13

Saturday Apr 07, 2012
Palm Sunday; Passion Week. Part 2
Saturday Apr 07, 2012
Saturday Apr 07, 2012
1. Jesus Verified His authority with Miracles. Matt 21 14 & John 12:9-19. Jewish leaders respond with plans of murder. John 12:37-41. BUT a few believe , but too afraid. John 12:42-43.
2. Jesus Preached Truth and was available for public debate. Matt 21:23, 43-46,
Sanctification, Salvation, Same Process. ABC
The sanctification cycle. 2 Peter 1:4-8.
We are commanded to Love, Commanded to Repent. Acts 17:30-31.

Saturday Mar 31, 2012
1 Peter 3, Part 1; Harmony & Victory
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Live in Harmony; 1 Peter 3:8-9.
The blessing of Christian Fellowship looks like the following:
God uses the sinful nature of other Christians in the church, so your sinful nature will be exposed and you can repent.
Love Live & See Good Days. 1 Peter 3:10-12.
Quoted from a Psalm of David: 34:1-22
Suffering for Doing Good: “1 Peter 3:13-14”
The Gospel is Offensive. The Good News begins with some bad news.
1. Everyone is guilty of their own sin and will pay with death & hell. God’s wrath remains on them.
2. Jesus Christ is the only way to God. John 14:6.
3. People will be punished with hell for not believing Jesus. John 3:18.
Watch out for “Anything but Jesus Christ” OR “Jesus Christ + . . . . . “ .
Always be ready to give an ANSWER. 1 Peter 3:15-15.
Know your motive: Obey Jesus because He commanded it.
If you are going to suffer, suffer for doing good. “1 Peter 3:17,18”.

Saturday Mar 31, 2012
1 Peter 3, Part 2; Harmony & Victory
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Where did Jesus go when He died on the Cross? 1 Peter 3:19-20.
3 major views.
1. Went to hell to preach to spirits of people who died from the flood.
2. Proclaimed Victory throughout the spiritual realm.
3. “Preached” in a sense through Noah prior to the flood.
I Prefer option 2.
1. Jesus is one in essence with the Godhead. He is omnipresent.
2. Sheol/Hades & Hell. Sheol/Hades; two separated parts, Paradise & Punishment = hell.
3. The word is Proclaim, not preach. A victory has been herald!
What about 1 Peter 4:5 (before they died) and Ephs 4:8-9? (Lower parts of the earth means earth = ground zero).
Stay Tuned for Next Week! Did Peter say Baptism Saves You?

Saturday Mar 17, 2012
1 Peter Chapter 3: Wives, Part 1
Saturday Mar 17, 2012
Saturday Mar 17, 2012
Peter is giving instructions how Christians are to live.
Beginning in Chapter 2: 11-25, Live as strangers and here is what it looks like.
1. Submit to authorities
2. In the public eye live as Freemen
3. Slaves submit to masters
Peter continues with the family. 1 Peter 3:1-8
Husband and Wife Relationships.
“In the Same way” what?
Chapter 2:21-25 In the same way “Christ” Suffering Servant.
Oh oh. Just a point. Marriage is not “fair” It’s not about fair, it’s about serving.
The word submissive means 1) to arrange under, to subordinate
Purity: 1) exciting reverence, venerable, sacred
The First Marriage was officiated by God and they were both naked. Genesis 2:22-25

Saturday Mar 17, 2012
1 Peter Chapter 3: Wives, Part 2
Saturday Mar 17, 2012
Saturday Mar 17, 2012
"There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand: - [Pro 30:18 NIV] the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a maiden. - [Pro 30:19 NIV]
1 Peter 3-4: The Source of Beauty. Inner Self, Gentle & quite spirit.
Not “perpetual victim of that idiot man.“
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. - [Pro 21:9 NIV]
Look at the Holy women of the past; Sarah. 1 Peter 3:5-6
Husbands in the same way. .. . 1 Peter 3: 7-8.
Stay Tuned for next week. Husbands will get theirs and it will be brutal!

Monday Mar 12, 2012
1 Peter Chapter 2 Part 1; Our Calling
Monday Mar 12, 2012
Monday Mar 12, 2012
“Therefore”: Lose the sin, Feast on the Word and Grow!
1. are being built into a spiritual house
2. to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. - [1Pe 2:5 NIV]
A Chosen Corner Stone [1Pe 2:6 NIV]
The Capstone, " - [1Pe 2:7 NIV]
and, "A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey the message--which is also what they were destined for. - [1Pe 2:8 NIV]
B. AS PEOPLE OF GOD (9-10) a chosen people, eklektos 1) picked out, chosen a) chosen by God,
2. a royal priesthood, 3. a holy nation, 4. a people belonging to God,
that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Monday Mar 12, 2012
1 Peter Chapter 2 Part 2; Our Calling
Monday Mar 12, 2012
Monday Mar 12, 2012
AS SOJOURNERS (11-12) Fight your evil desires. James 1:14-15.
Use the Sword of the Spirit: [Eph 6:17 NIV] Thrice & Dice!
Sexual immorality including homosexual immorality. Matt 19:4-5, Romans 1:22-32 & 1 Cor. 6:9-11.
AS CITIZENS (13-17) live as servants (SLAVE) of God. - [1Pe 2:16 NIV]
AS SLAVES (18-25) Follow Christ’s Example & The Gospel.

Saturday Mar 03, 2012
1 Peter Chapter 1 Part 1: Once Saved Always Saved, Now Serve
Saturday Mar 03, 2012
Saturday Mar 03, 2012
Refresher. God Chose You, Despite You hating Him. 1 Pet. 1:5.
Rejoice in Your Suffering because. . . . . It Sanctifies You. 1 Peter 6-7.
Honesty Test:
Scale from 1-10. How easy would it be for you to quit church? ________
Trials & Temptations are an Opportunity to either Sin Or Glory!
1. Disobey God and sin either by one of two ways: Omission or Commission
Omission: "Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin." - James 4:17
Commission: "For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality." - Col 3:25

Saturday Mar 03, 2012
1 Peter Chapter 1 Part 2: Once Saved Always Saved, Now Serve
Saturday Mar 03, 2012
Saturday Mar 03, 2012
2. Glorify God by Obedience. Faith informs you of what you need to do.
Hear Truth—Believe & Apply Truth = Faith
Faith: Given by Holy Spirit, Romans 12:3, 6.
Faith can increase if you Study Your Bible. Romans 14:2, 23.
The Goal of Faith = Going to HEAVEN! WOO HOO! 1 Peter 1:8-9
The Prophets: the Sufferings and Glory of Christ. 1 Peter 10-11.
Isaiah 53 Suffering Servant & Daniel 7:13-14. Son of Man. Matt 26:64.
THEREFORE DO! 1 Peter 1:13-25.
Prepare you minds for action.
Set Your Hope FULLY
Be HOLY = Set Apart. Be weird, be strange.
God judges your works against His commands not comparing it to other people. No Grading on the curve.1 Peter 1:17.
Living Hope, Living Christ = Raised from the Dead. 1 Peter 18-21.
You cannot be BORN AGAIN Twice & you cannot be UNBORN AGAIN, because it is IMPERISHABLE. 1 Peter 1:23
The WORD OF THE LORD stands FOREVER. 1 Peter 1:25.
1. Disobey God and sin either by one of two ways: Omission or Commission
Omission: "Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin." - James 4:17
Commission: "For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality." - Col 3:25