
Saturday Feb 25, 2012
1 Peter Intro I; God's Chosen
Saturday Feb 25, 2012
Saturday Feb 25, 2012
Who, Peter
To Whom: Scattered Jewish Christians
When: AD. 62-64
Why: Theology & Exhortation: It’s an Epistle.
1. who are chosen
2. according to the foreknowledge of God the Father,
by the sanctifying work of the Spirit,
to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood
Chosen: God’s Elect = eklektos Has Chosen = eklegomai
1 Cor. 1:27-31. Mark 13:20, Col. 3:12.
What about John 3:16? “whoever believes”?
Answer: Psa 14:2. Romans 3, Isa. 53:6: No One

Saturday Feb 25, 2012
1 Peter Intro II; God's Chosen
Saturday Feb 25, 2012
Saturday Feb 25, 2012
We are walking dead. Ephs. 2:1-10.
1. We were dead, 2 We are born again. 3. We respond to the Gospel
4. We have this crazy insatiable love for Jesus that drives us to pursue Him.
Heart Check: How do you truly FEEL about this truth?
1. Anger, Fear? Do you want the power to determine evil or good = your destiny? The very fact that we would fight for the “pseudo right” to chose hell shows how evil we truly are.
2. On the other hand. That means we are ABSOLUTELY POWERLESS to choose our destiny. It is entirely the will or “whim” of God.
1Peter 3-6. New Birth, Living Hope, Imperishable Inheritance, kept for you. Shielded by God’s Power. Salvation! GREATLY REJOICE!

Saturday Feb 18, 2012
James 5 I; Patience & Fellowship
Saturday Feb 18, 2012
Saturday Feb 18, 2012
Rich Oppressors will be Judged 5:1-6
A prophetic oracle to encourage the Christians
Dishonest Gain, Love of Money
Love of Self is evil. Jer. 22:17-19, Lev. 19:36, Prov: 11:1, 20:39.
True Worship is Patience and Persevering 5:7-12
Be Patient & don’t whine like a little baby. 7-12
Plan on helping each other: v.9., Heb. 3:12-14 10:24-25.
Consider the prophets: v.10-12. Job. 1:20-22, Heb. 11:32-40.

Saturday Feb 18, 2012
James 5 II; Patience & Fellowship
Saturday Feb 18, 2012
Saturday Feb 18, 2012
True Worship is Ministering to the Body of Christ 5:13–20
Pray A LOT!
Trouble? Pray, Happy? Praise, Sick or Spiritual beaten, Pray.
[Eph 6:18 NIV] - And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Fellowship: Confess offenses & pray for each other.
The Fruit of Faith: v. 19-20 Back to the TRUTH, cover a lot of sins!
The Root: Love God & People, MAKE DISCIPLES!
Your CALL! What are you going to do now?

Saturday Feb 11, 2012
James 4; Constant Repentance I
Saturday Feb 11, 2012
Saturday Feb 11, 2012
True Worship of God, James Chapter 4
True Worship is Constantly Repentant
The Fruit: Jm. 4:1-2.
The Root: Jm. 4:3-4.
The Christian Inner Conflict: Jm. 4:5-6.
Constant Repentance: James 4:7-10.
Don’t “Judge” your Christian Family. James 4:11-12.
The Trap: “You can’t judge me, na na na!”
The Solution!: Practice “Thrice & Dice”
1. My opinion doesn’t matter: I can’t judge you.
2. Your opinion doesn’t matter: You can’t justify your sin.
3. What does the Bible say?: Only God can make a judgment.
Will you repent? Will you love God more than your sin?
Where is your heart’s priorities? James 4:13-16.
Your life is a like grass: Psalm 103:15-16, Isaiah 40:6-8, James 1:11, 1 Peter 1:24-25.
If it’s the Lords Will. On a scale from 1-10 if God were to tell you His will right now, would you do it? Enter answer here: ___________ (1-10)
Are you too good for Heaven? Hebrews 1-:29, Rev. 20:12-15.
Communion Reflection: 1 Cor. 11:26-29.

Saturday Feb 11, 2012
James 4; Constant Repentance II
Saturday Feb 11, 2012
Saturday Feb 11, 2012
True Worship of God, James Chapter 4
True Worship is Constantly Repentant
The Fruit: Jm. 4:1-2.
The Root: Jm. 4:3-4.
The Christian Inner Conflict: Jm. 4:5-6.
Constant Repentance: James 4:7-10.
Don’t “Judge” your Christian Family. James 4:11-12.
The Trap: “You can’t judge me, na na na!”
The Solution!: Practice “Thrice & Dice”
1. My opinion doesn’t matter: I can’t judge you.
2. Your opinion doesn’t matter: You can’t justify your sin.
3. What does the Bible say?: Only God can make a judgment.
Will you repent? Will you love God more than your sin?
Where is your heart’s priorities? James 4:13-16.
Your life is a like grass: Psalm 103:15-16, Isaiah 40:6-8, James 1:11, 1 Peter 1:24-25.
If it’s the Lords Will. On a scale from 1-10 if God were to tell you His will right now, would you do it? Enter answer here: ___________ (1-10)
Are you too good for Heaven? Hebrews 1-:29, Rev. 20:12-15.
Communion Reflection: 1 Cor. 11:26-29.

Saturday Feb 04, 2012
James 3; Tongue Tied & God’s Wisdom
Saturday Feb 04, 2012
Saturday Feb 04, 2012
True Worship of God James Chapter 3
Two Big Ideas: Tongue Tied & God’s Wisdom
I. True Worship Controls the Tongue. V. 1-12.
3:1. teachers judged more critically but that is no excuse to do nothing.
*You may not be a firearms safety instructor but you better know how to shoot.
Men: Teach yourself & your family. Women: Help you men teach you and your kids. Singles Teach Yourselves & Go Get A Disciple.
Control Your Tongue. James 3:2-5.
The tongue exposes the true condition of our soul.
The Tongue is Baaaad! James 3:6-8
A Forked Tongue: James 3:9-12.
II. True Worship Displays Heavenly Wisdom V. 13-18
Wisdom is revealed by a good life, good deeds & humility.
Fallen Wisdom VS God’s Wisdom
Fallen Wisdom: Bitter envy, selfish ambition, earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
Fruit: Disorder & Every Evil Practice James 3:13-16, James 4:1.
God’s Wisdom: Pure, Peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, Good Fruit, impartial & Sincere.
Luke 6:45, Pas 51:6, Hbr 4:12-13.
What are your plans to increase your Bible Study?

Saturday Jan 28, 2012
James Symptoms of True Faith
Saturday Jan 28, 2012
Saturday Jan 28, 2012
True Worship of God James Chapter 2
Two Big Ideas: Don’t Show Partiality & Show Faith by Works
1. True Worship Does not show partiality 1-13.
Kissing Up to success is pathetic 1-3
Reasons not to Kiss UP 4-13
Exposes your evil
God Chose the poor to be rich in Faith.
Pro. 22:2, 28:6, Ecc 4:13, Mat 6:21.
The rich are oppressing you.
Break the law of Kissing Up makes you guilty of breaking all of God’s Law.
2. True Worship of God Show Faith Through Works. 14-26
Dead Faith cannot save you. 14-19. Ephs. 2:1-2, Rom. 4:5, Eph 2:8-9.
Closer look at James 2:24. Justified by works. Work proves Faith. No Works = No Faith = No Salvation
It’s a Work of God, through the Holy Spirit!
Made Alive! Col. 2:13, Gal 5:22-23, John 6:65, John 3:5-8, 1 John 4:19.
The Symptoms of Genuine Faith IS WORKS!
Faith without works is Dead. 20-26 Abraham & Rahab?
Jesus says “You will know them by their FRUIT.” Mat 7:15-20. Matt 7:24,
Evidence of Live Faith. 2 Peter 1:3-11.

Saturday Jan 14, 2012
James True Worship Part II
Saturday Jan 14, 2012
Saturday Jan 14, 2012
2. True Worship of God OF DOING, NOT JUST HEARING.
Swift to Listen, slow to open mouth & insert foot. 19:20
Learn What God Commands & Do It. 21-27
Consider your Gumption
Fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5:22-25
For Christ’s Love 2 Cor. 5:14-15
Reconciled Romans 5:8-10.
YOU are the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD! 2 Cor. 5:17-21.

Saturday Jan 14, 2012
James True Worship Part I
Saturday Jan 14, 2012
Saturday Jan 14, 2012
True Worship Endures Trials & Temptations 2-18.
With Joy & Patience 2-4
With Wisdom From God 5-8
With A Proper Perspective 9-11
With An Understanding of Temptation 12-15
With An Awareness of The Father’s Goodness 16-18